

by Ron Burch

The garden hose rises like a cobra, soaking Dennis before it dances away. Fifth time Dennis’s come over and the fifth accident he’s had. I don’t want him to leave. He laughs, says no problem, gives me a hug. My heart wants arms to hug him. Later, Grief lights fire to Dennis’s shoe, and I don’t know what to say as he hoses it down in the sink. It’s like you don’t want me around, he jokes. I apologize and search for Grief. I find it hiding in the dryer. I give it a stern warning. In the morning Dennis’s right eyebrow is missing, and he accuses me of doing it. I don’t want him to go but what do I say. The crinkle of a paper bag, shoes stuffed in t-shirts. He leaves this hug undone. Even Grief is afraid to be alone.

Ron Burch's fiction has been published in numerous literary journals including South Dakota Review, Fiction International, Mississippi Review, and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His new novel, JDP, comes out in 2021 from BlazeVOX books. He lives in Los Angeles.